ShaderlabVSCode 1.1.6

作者 : 会员:小巧 更新时间: 2020-08-05 人阅读 投诉/版权异议
ShaderlabVSCode 1.1.6vscode中用于写shader的工具—— shaderlab 1.1.6的付费版本This extension requires one license per seatRequires Unity 5.2.0 or higher.Shaderla

ShaderlabVSCode 1.1.6

vscode中用于写shader的工具—— shaderlab 1.1.6的付费版本

This extension requires one license per seat

Requires Unity 5.2.0 or higher.

ShaderlabVSCode is a Visual Studio Code extension for Unity Shaderlab progamming.

Key Features:

1. Syntax Highlighting

2. Code Completion and Basic Intellisense

3. Hover Information

4. Signature Help

5. Code Snippets

6. Format Document

7. Document Symbols

ShaderlabVSCode have a free version with features limited, we can get from here .

Supports Platforms:

1. macOS

2. Windows

3. Linux


This is Visual Studio Code extension, so VSCode is required.

ShaderlabVSCode 1.1.6
ShaderlabVSCode 1.1.6标题图片
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